The people of the Bagobo Tribe was said to be from the south and they were said to be the carriers of the Hindu culture here in the Philippines but still this Hindu Culture was mixed with the culture of the ethnic population those days. An example of an influence of the Hindu is our way of writing before which is the Alibata that is quite similar to sanskrit. And another Hindu influence is the epic Biag ni Lam-ang which is also quite similar to a Hindu story: Ramayana. And the Bagobos came from the south with other groups of people known today as the south also included other ethnicities like the Tagabawa, Jangan or Attaw. But the Spaniards and even the other ethnographers considered all this indigenous groups as one. Since they had similarities when it comes to clothes, tools, blades, and musical instruments.
The culture of the Bagobo Tribe was very much influencedby diffirent classes of people such as the neighboring tribe, Moros, Spaniards and Chinese since trading was very common to them during the old times. Thus, the Moros contributed so much when it comes to religion and social life that caused the Begobos to take in many new words and terms into their language from the Moros. But the kind of relationship the Moros and the Bagobos have were changed when the Spaniards settled in their area. There was a war between the Spaniards and Moros, wherein the Bagobo rulers were later persuaded by the Spandiards to join them, and that overthrown the Moros in power. Thus, Influence of Spaniards in religion was also embraced by some Bagobos.
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